We all have heard that trends change constantly, and so the technology too.
Yes, in today’s scenario technology too changes the trends much faster than we thought.
Angular has become one of the trending topics nowadays. As every business wants to rule the internet and Angular is the best fit for it.
Google, Netflix, and many other platforms are utilizing the benefit of angular to give extra strength to their product.
Everyone in the computer world is aware of Angular13.
But are they aware of all the new features that are introduced recently?
I guess, no!
So, let us make you aware of all the new trends of Angular13 in 2022.
Firstly, let us talk a little about when these features were released and then switch to all the detailed features of the same.
Angular launched the all-new Angular13 on 3rd November 2021. Keeping in mind all the previous updates, I personally feel this was the most straightforward and planned back-then upgrade for a TypeScript-based web framework.
This release has brought many important updates that can be highly useful for Angular Development. If you want to have a detailed view of what is different in Angular13, let us have a glimpse of this version’s top features in detail.
Table of Contents
Angular13 Updates and Features
There is a lot to know about the new version of Angular i.e Angular13. So, let us know deeply about all its new features and dope updates.
1. Support for TypeScript 4.4
Angular13 now supports only TypeScrip 4.4 and it has stopped supporting TypeScript 4.2 and 4.3. But, don’t get disheartened. As of now, we can take advantage of different beautiful language features. TypeScript 4.4 breaks the implementation of setters and getters to get a similar type, which is good for Angular apps.

2. Improvement to Angular Tests
The Angular team has made some notable improvements to TestBed that currently properly tear down test environments and modules after every test. Now, the DOM experiences cleaning after the tests, the developers can prepare more optimized, less dependent, less memory-intensive, and faster tests.
3. Alteration in Framework and Dependency Updates
Angular13 has also done some major changes and updates. Now, RxJS v7.4 is the default for applications built with ng new. Current applications utilizing RxJS v6.x will need to update manually using the npm install [email protected] command.
4. Does not Support Internet Explorer 11
The Angular framework has deprecated support for IE11 in order to take advantage of native web APIs and modern browser features like CSS variables and web animations. As there are no IE-specific polyfills and no need for distinct loading, the application loads quicker and has a smaller bundle size.
A notable change for some institutions or authorities that still use Internet Explorer 11 and haven’t yet switched to Microsoft Edge or another modern browser.
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5. Dynamic Command Line Interface(CLI)
A command-line interface tool is a dynamic tool and this tool is the main reason behind Angular’s popularity. CLI tool helps in launching, developing, scaffolding, and maintaining Angular applications from a command shell.
Understand where to put the update and which module to import it into, developers can simply generate space for new components using the Angular command-line interface.
6. Material Design Component for Accessibility
Material Design Component is a part of Angular Material. MDC has all been subjected to stringent accessibility criteria and enhanced standards like contrasts, touch targets, ARIA, and more.
With Angular Material, developers can quickly design standard layouts, navigational elements, form controls, buttons, and indications for business apps.

7. Enhancements to localization
The localize API is consistent. It provides developers with an effective way to integrate internationalization (i18n) and tag messages for translation in code and templates.
Final Word
Angular releases a new version update every six months. Since you now know the important updates and features of the all-new Angular13, you should try it out. To create amazing apps that support modern web development standards, you should upgrade to Angular13 if you’re still using version 12.